New Beauty Editor Tries Restylane Refyne


Restylane Refyne

Filler technology is improving all the time, and there’s been a lot of buzz about the new XpresHAn Technology in the Restalyne line of products.

Editor of New Beauty, Sarah Eggenberger, personally tried out the new Restylane Refyne to see if the product is as good as advertised.

What does it advertise, you ask? Even more natural looking fillers–delicate enough to not be noticed by even your most intimate confidants.

XpresHAn Magic

XpresHAn is the part-science, part-branding name given to the new technology in Restylane Refyne and Defyne products. It essentially changes the texture of the hyaluronic acid to be a flexible net: providing both support and dynamism to the face.

Many patients interested in fillers are worried about having a puffy look to their face, and the technology was made to address that. If you hadn’t noticed the pun betweeen XpresHAn and expression, you can be forgiven.

So How Did the Restylane Treatment Turn Out?

Restylane Refyne Before and After

As the pictures show, Eggerman’s marionette lines and nasolabial folds have been drastically reduced. There is still creasing, but it’s been given a softness that could be mistaken for the lines of an extremely expressive but still youthful face.

So that’s a check for flexibility and dynamism. But it’s hard to easy to miss the importance of the support that the filler provides.

Eggerman specifically says that she was most bothered by the feeling that her face was pulling downward, even when she stopped smiling.

And, as the pictures show, the slight sag around the contours of the mouth has been markedly reduced, but with subtle touches.

The ultimate test of the effectiveness of the fillers? Her husband never noticed her treatment. The difference in before and after with Restylane Refyne is almost like having one of your good days (for the face!) every day.

Interested in fillers, or even specifically the Restylane line of products? Not sure which one is right for you? Call Cosmetic Dermatology Center today.