Dr. Hayre in the Community Speaking at a “Heads Up” Event

On September 9th, 2015 Dr. Nicole Hayre spoke to the staff and some patrons of the Michel Rene Salon in Vienna, Virginia about the risks of Melanoma and other skin cancers of the scalp.  Dr. Hayre was recruited by the Skin Cancer Foundation to help with their “Heads Up” program.  This program helps to explain the risks of Melanoma and other skin cancers of the scalp to those who are often the ones who have the best chance of spotting something.  Dr. Hayre asked the stylists to become “first responders” and to simply let their clintelle know if they have something on their scalps.  The lesion can then be brought to the attention of that individual’s Dermatologist for further evaluation.

Dr. Hayre stressed the importance that the stylists speak up, because most individuals have no idea if they have something on their scalp.  She also pointed out some alarming statistics, including the fact that Melanoma of the scalp accounts for 6% of all Melanomas, but for 10% of the deaths.  Early detection can be life-saving.  Dr. Hayre and the Skin Cancer Foundation are using the “Heads up” program to help detect more cancers at an earlier stage.

If you become aware of a mole or lesion on your scalp, please see a board certified Dermatologist for an exam.

The even was covered by the Fairfax County Times.