7 Simple Facts to Know About Emsculpt in Northern Virginia

emsculpt northern virginia

If you’ve been looking for ways to tone your abdomen or boost your backside, you’ve probably heard of Emsculpt.

This innovative body contouring treatment is completely non-invasive and is taking the aesthetic world by storm. It even has a number of celebrity fans, who have proudly shared photos of their Emsculpt treatments and results on social media.

However, with all of this attention, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. Here are 7 facts to know about Emsculpt in Northern Virginia.

1. Emsculpt Targets Fat and Muscle – At the Same Time

Emsculpt’s ability to simultaneously burn fat and build muscle make it a game changer for body contouring. In fact, Emsculpt in Northern Virginia is clinically-proven to produce an average 16% increase in muscle mass and average 19% reduction in subcutaneous fat.

Other non-invasive treatments can’t offer this duality, nor can they directly stimulate and strengthen abdominal and gluteal muscles.

2. This Treatment Can Boost Your Backside, Without Surgery or Injections

Emsculpt is the world’s first and only non-invasive butt lift, and is FDA-cleared for strengthening, toning, and firming the buttocks.

3. At Just 30 Minutes, Emsculpt is a True Lunchtime Procedure

This remarkable treatment is as efficient as it is effective, and takes just 30 minutes. Best of all, you are free to recline and relax for the duration of an Emsculpt session, as the device does all the work.

4. It’s Like Doing 20,000 Crunches or Squats

Using electromagnetic waves, Emsculpt activates isolated muscles and induces 20,000 supramaximal contractions. These contractions are much more powerful than what can be achieved through physical activity and equate to doing 20,000 crunches or squats.

5. Emsculpt in Northern Virginia is a Painless Procedure

It’s hard to imagine that Emsculpt could produce such dramatic muscle toning and fat burning, without pain. But it’s true.

During the treatment, patients are able to feel muscles contracting at different intervals, as well as a tapping motion that prevents lactic acid from building up. However, these sensations aren’t uncomfortable or painful at all.

6. You Can See Results in Less Than a Month

Unlike many non-surgical fat reduction treatments, which can take months to produce results, Emsculpt effects become visible within 2-4 weeks after your last session. A series of 4 treatments, to be scheduled 2-3 days apart, is recommended for optimal outcomes.

7. Emsculpt in Northern Virginia Requires Zero Downtime

Emsculpt in Northern Virginia has no known side effects, so patients avoid the numbness, redness, bruising, and tenderness that are common with other body contouring procedures.

This means that you can comfortably return to work after your Emsculpt treatment and resume all normal activities, including exercise.

You could even show off your abs that same day, without any signs of treatment.

If you are considering Emsculpt in Northern Virginia, contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation.