EmTone for Cellulite: Does it Really Work?

It is such a disappointment to spend hours working out only to have cellulite ruin your results. Does it feel like your bottom is never going to look good in shorts or a swimsuit? That’s okay! Most women suffer from cellulite. Fortunately, there’s EmTone for cellulite, a revolutionary non-invasive treatment used to eliminate that dimpled look.
So, what exactly is EmTone for cellulite, and does it really work? Keep reading to find out!
What Exactly Is Cellulite?
Cellulite is caused by collagen bands, also known as septae, that connect your skin to your muscles. When fat gets caught in between your skin and muscles, it causes these bands to tighten. That’s when those ugly dimples show up in places like your bottom and legs.
Okay, What Is EmTone for Cellulite?
Combining both radiofrequency and acoustic wave technology, EmTone for cellulite uses a targeted approach to successfully address all types and grades of cellulite. And, not only does EmTone for cellulite not have a BMI restriction, it works on all skin tones and types.
That’s Remarkable! Can EmTone Work for Me?
Absolutely! This treatment is meant for mild to severe cellulite and for women aged between 18 and 65.
Treatment time can take place during your lunch break as the procedure takes between 20 and 30 minutes, and offers immediate results after just one session. However, for optimal results, we recommend at least 3 sessions.
Is It Going to Take a While to Recover?
There is no downtime with EmTone for Cellulite. Some people report tenderness and tightness on the treatment area, but these go away on their own.
EmTone for Cellulite in McLean, VA, at the Cosmetic Dermatology Center!
Come to the Cosmetic Dermatology Center in McLean, VA, to get rid of your cellulite, and never be afraid to wear a swimsuit again! We are passionate about providing great results from all our cosmetic services.
Check out EmTone and our other amazing services to help you look and feel your best. Call 703-827-8600 to set up an appointment today!