How to Prepare for Cosmetic Injections
Dr. Hayre was recently featured in an Elle Magazine article where she talked about how to prepare for cosmetic injections. For the best results, it’s important to know how to prepare for cosmetic injections. Whether its Botox or dermal fillers, there are essential do’s and don’ts that you should know. Read on to learn more.
Prevent Bruising
Beginning one week before your appointment, stop taking aspirin, NSAIDs, Vitamin E, fish oil supplements or Gingko Biloba. These may increase bleeding and bruising at the injection site. It is ok to take Tylenol during this time. Also, adding leafy greens to your diet can boost Vitamin K and help reduce bruising and swelling. Dr. Hayre also recommends applying Arnica cream or gel to sooth and diminish bruises.
Stop Exfoliating
Its better to choose a gentle skincare routine in the days leading up to your appointment. Dr. Hayre says, “It is best not to use any strong exfoliating treatments or products for a week prior to your appointment and for several days after the procedure”. Choosing a gentle cleanser and avoiding retinol before and after your treatment can help minimize irritation and give your skin time to heal.
Eliminate Alcohol Consumption

For several days before and after your treatment, avoid alcohol. Since beer, wine and liquor are inflammatory, they temporarily enlarge blood vessels. This can enhance bleeding, bruising, and swelling so its best to avoid them for a few days before and after your cosmetic treatments.
No Exercise
Be prepared to skip the gym for at least 24 hours after your appointment. Exercising increases blood flow which can increase bruising and swelling. Avoiding strenuous activity can help prevent this. However, if you notice visible swelling or bruising after your day of rest, we highly recommend taking a few additional days off.
Skip The Afternoon Nap
You should avoid napping right after getting Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin. Patients need to remain in an upright position and avoid laying down or bending over for at least 1.5 hours after injections. Staying in an upright position prevents the toxin from spreading to unwanted areas and plays an essential role in the outcome of your treatment.
No Facial Massages
Facials are great, but no right after injections. You should avoid apply pressure to the skin post injection. Doing so may alter your results, as well as increasing your chances of bruising.
More Tips on How to Prepare for Cosmetic Injections
While this is a good guide for beginners on how to prepare for cosmetic injections, its important to speak to your provider about his/her recommendations and follow those as well. To learn more, please contact The Cosmetic Dermatology Center today.