Laser Hair Removal: What You Should (& Shouldn’t) Do Before

laser hair removal northern virginia

Laser Hair Removal in Northern Virginia

Laser Hair Removal is a very attractive procedure. It’s not just a great procedure if you’re self-conscious about the amount of hair on your body — it’s incredibly convenient.

It can mean saying goodbye to constant shaving and waxing and having a permanent reduction of hair.

So, if you’ve scheduled a session of Laser Hair Removal and are about to head in, here are some tips for how to get the most out of your session — and also avoid a few laser faux pas that could either inhibit the treatment or actually cause complications.

Don’t Do Your Skincare Routine the Morning Of

It’s hard. It’s the one thing you’re supposed to do every day so it can feel like anathema. But trust us — don’t do your skincare routine the day of. It can interfere with the laser.

Avoid the sunscreen, lotion, and makeup, because they can actually cause discoloration.

Shave Beforehand

This one might seem odd. After all, you’re getting lasered so you don’t have to shave. Why do it?

Well, think of the longer leg hairs as something that can dissipate the energy — and inhibit the effectiveness of the laser.

Skip the Tan

Whether it’s natural or from a tanning bed, you’ll wanna hold off on the laser if you’re tan — because it can lead to discoloration.

For about three weeks, you’re going to want to try and keep out of the sunlight.

Avoid Medications That Are Light-Sensitive

Medications like Accutane can actually lead to blisters during treatment. Don’t take photosensitive oral medications.

Research online or ask your doctor if any medication you’re taking qualifies as photosensitive.

These are just a few do’s and don’ts to make your Laser Hair Removal session the best possible.

Want to know more about the basics of this treatment? Call 703.663.6238 to schedule a consultation with our expert, Dr. Nicole Hayre.