My Friend Uses Too Much Botox: May I Tell Her?

Too Much Botox

Has the new age of social media made it acceptable to be more honest?

Judging by Justin Bieber’s latest tracks, authentic-chic is in, and perhaps a friend who’s overdone their Botox deserves a real word on how it looks.

Here’s the skinny. If the Botox really does look as bad as you think, there’s a good chance it won’t go unnoticed by the friend–or strangers.

People aren’t dumb, especially about their vanity. We could probably tell if the clothes we wore to the party were off color, judging by people’s reactions.

So if they’re rethinking it at all, they’ll come around. And if somehow it’s gone unnoticed by them and the world at large, well, who’s to say it might not actually be just you?

Honestly, whether it’s just you or not is immaterial. To each their own as long as it hurts no one else and makes them happy. And if they’re truly, truly happy, then let them keep chasing at windmills.

Mirror Check

If perhaps you’re the friend in question, take a moment to be honest with yourself and, in turn, ask for honesty from others.

After all, the reason we pursue treatments like Botox in the first place is to look good so we can feel good. So ask yourself. Do I feel good? Do I look good?

One of the miracles of Botox is that it’s not permanent. So yes, you can try on a look on the off chance the procedure didn’t go as planned.

Take it from an expert. Someone who knows their makeup and cosmetic treatments better than the rest of the peanut gallery.

On that note, if you’re interested in cosmetic treatment, you should talk to your physician to find out what you qualify for and what treatments are right for you.

Interested in Botox? Call The Cosmetic Dermatology Center to schedule a Botox consultation with Dr. Nicole Hayre.