What Constitutes Good Skin Care?

Throughout the ages women have sought to find the perfect elixir to care for their skin.  They have done this because they knew what still holds true: healthy skin projects an image of youth, good health and beauty.  In fact, this is the driving force behind the billion dollar beauty industry.

What products actually work?

As a rule, products sold through physician’s offices have higher concentrations of active ingredients than those sold elsewhere.  Higher concentrations of active ingredients makes the products more potent, which translates to better results.

What ingredients should you look for?

As people age, the thickness and firmness of their skin decreases due to a decrease in collagen.  They also loose elasticity due to a decrease in another protein called elastin.  These changes begin as early as young adulthood.  Fortunately, through science we have learned about specific growth factors which stimulate the growth of new collagen and elastin.  Studies have proven that the application of these growth factors to the skin actually improves it over time.  The great majority of people using growth factor products have fewer fine lines and better skin tone within three to six months.  The continued use of these products helps to fight the natural aging process by keeping the skin in a younger state, or thicker, with more collagen and elastin.


In addition to stimulating collagen growth with topical growth factors, a good skin care regimen should include protecting the skin from environmental damage.  For this, antioxidants are critical.  A few to look for include Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and green tea extracts.  Recent studies have shown green tea extracts to be more powerful than Vitamin E!  But beware, just because a product has green tea extracts listed on its label, does not mean that it necessarily has the critical extracts needed.  Caution is also needed when comparing Vitamin C products.  Vitamin C is an unstable molecule, and the preparation it is mixed in is critical.

Glycolic Acids and Retinol

Many products have mild acids in them such as glycolic acid.  These along with retinol products are used to remove the outermost layer of skin cells, helping to even out skin texture and tone.  They may even help to induce some collagen growth.  Unfortunately, these products can be somewhat drying or irritating.  When beginning a regimen which includes an acid or a retinol, apply it only every other day for several weeks before increasing the frequency to a daily application.  This will help to decrease any irritation, and allow your skin to adapt to your new skin care regimen.

What helps deeper wrinkles?

A great skin care regimen can diminish fine lines, but it can not get rid of deeper wrinkles.  For wrinkles around the eyes or on the forehead, botox is king.  It is safe and predictable.  Botox has been used safely since 1980 to treat many muscle disorders including lazy eye.  Its cosmetic use was developed in 1987.  Botox is used to relax muscles allowing the overlying skin to smoothen.

For questions regarding botox or your skin care regimen, contact Dr. Nicole Hayre.

What else can I do?