Vaginal Tightening Virginia

FemiLift by Dr. Nicole Hayre:

What Is Vaginal Tightening Virginia?

This is a non-surgical and painless 15-minute office procedure utilizing reliable third-generation CO2 fractional Laser Pixel technology.

The laser penetrates into the vagina by a vaginal-shaped probe. The procedure typically consists of three-to-four treatments over several weeks. A “touchup” one year later is also recommended.

The results are noticeable tightening of the vaginal cavity for increased friction and pleasure during sex. If in a different power mode or function, FemiLift is also effective in reversing the atrophic effects of aging in the vagina.

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FemiLift works by emitting pulses of laser energy into the collagen layer of the vaginal mucosa. This area is where concentrated thermal heating encourages collagen and elastin to tighten. The collagen stimulation regeneration produces a tightening of the vaginal tissues.

The initial shrinkage and skin regeneration can improve pressure on the “G-Spot.” This tightening can help with urinary incontinence as well.

The outcome of this procedure is the complete restructuring the vaginal mucosa. We can establish a more youthful vaginal with this procedure by stimulating tissue embedded with thick and long collagen fibers.

Fixing Vaginal Atrophy:

Dr. Hayre can alter and re-stimulate collagen, encouraging the formation of elastin and improved healthy new collagen formation.

The FemiLift provides long-term solutions to reverse atrophic effects of aging on the vagina.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Northern Virginia–How It Works:

Our FemiLift produces safe pulses of custom patterned laser energy delivered via a tube-shaped intra-vaginal device. These safe pulses generate laser beams in a grid less than .5 mm apart and 0.6 mm deep by a tiny microscopic laser.

The laser intervals are several millimeters directly into the collagen under the deep dermis or vaginal skin layer.

This is located underneath the vaginal tissue that is safe and effective. This causes a rotating micro-contracture of the entire vaginal barrel.  The cosmetic and clinical results in an overall tightening of skin laxity, tightening of the upper vagina Virginia, providing pelvic support for the base of the bladder.

FemiLift has customizable settings that may be used solely to stimulate collagen and elastin formation to enable better “versatility” of the vaginal tissues.

For a Vaginal Tightening Consultation in Virginia Call: 703.827.8600