Is PRP for Hair Loss Painful?

is PRP therapy for hair loss painful

If you are one of the 80 million men and women with hereditary hair loss, PRP therapy may be just what you need to restore hair volume and density.

But before getting started with treatment, you likely have a number of questions, including: How does PRP work? Am I a good candidate for PRP? Is PRP for hair loss painful?

To find out the answers to these and other frequently-asked questions, read on.

How Does PRP Therapy Work?

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s see how it works.

PRP therapy for hair loss in a nonsurgical, in-office procedure that usually takes 30-45 minutes.

Prior to treatment, a sample of blood is drawn from the patient’s arm and spun in a centrifuge. This separates plasma, rich in platelets and growth factors, from other blood components.

The platelet-rich plasma is then placed in a syringe and injected into areas of hair loss or thinning. Most patients receive 15-20 injections per session, which stimulate dormant hair follicles and prolong the active phase of the growth cycle.

Is PRP for Hair Loss Painful?

Patients considering treatment often want to know: Is PRP for hair loss painful?

Most men and women find PRP therapy to be quick, convenient, and virtually painless.

It’s not uncommon to experience some light pressure during treatment as well as mild and temporary soreness and/or tightness at the injection sites.

“My Office is one of the first to offer PRP for hair rejuvenation and we have excellent tricks to make it an easy process for the patients.” – Dr. Hayre

Who’s a Good Candidate for PRP Therapy?

PRP is an excellent option for men and women who have androgenic alopecia and are looking for a nonsurgical and natural way to regrow their own hair.

It may also be well-suited to:

How Many PRP Sessions Will I Need?

The recommended number of treatments can vary from one person to the next. That being said, most patients undergo a series of 4 monthly sessions, followed by an additional treatment after 4-6 months.

Yearly maintenance treatments can also help preserve PRP results.

Schedule a Consultation for PRP for Hair Loss

If you are considering PRP for hair loss, please contact our office online or call (703) 827-8600 today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified dermatologist and leading injector Dr. Nicole Hayre.