Do I Need the Best Cosmetic Dermatologist in Tysons Corner?

If you have a skin concern, you probably know that a dermatologist is who you want to see to address that issue. But, did you know that there are different types of dermatologists and you may want to seek out a specific type depending on your skin concern? Here is what you need to know about a general dermatologist compared to the best cosmetic dermatologist in Tysons Corner, VA.
What is a General Dermatologist?
A general dermatologist is focused on treating medical conditions related to the hair, skin, and nails. They treat conditions such as acne, skin cancer, transplant dermatology, psoriasis, alopecia, and eczema. Medical dermatologists are trained in correcting skin disorders. Their main priority is making sure that the patient’s skin is, and remains, healthy.
What Does the Best Cosmetic Dermatologist in Tysons Corner, VA, Do?
A cosmetic dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in treating the appearance of your skin, in addition to general dermatology issues. They are general dermatologists that are able to perform surgical procedures to treat health concerns. However, cosmetic dermatologists are mostly focused on aesthetics and have advanced training in skincare treatments.
For example, unwanted hair may not be a health concern, but you want it removed to look your best. Cosmetic dermatologists are also very well-practiced when it comes to Botox, dermal fillers, and other similar procedures. They may also offer other related treatments, such as facials, chemical peels, and hair rejuvenation.
For All Skincare Concerns, Choose the Best Cosmetic Dermatologist, OneWho Can Address Wellness and Aesthetics!
If you need help with skin concerns, from general health concerns to strictly cosmetic issues, turn to renowned skincare specialist, Dr. Nicole Hayre here at Cosmetic Dermatology Center. As the best cosmetic dermatologist in Tysons Corner, VA, Dr. Hayre offers a comprehensive range of dermatology services, including general and cosmetic. Call us at 703-827-8600 to make an appointment today!