Thread Lift With NovaThreads Offers Instant Facelift Results

A thread lift with NovaThreads can provide patients with an instant facelift. Plus, the procedure offers natural results, without the anesthesia and incisions associated with a surgical facelift.
Have you noticed that your mid-face has started to fall or that you’re developing jowls? These signs of aging can make men and women look older, tired, and less like themselves.
So, can a thread lift rejuvenate your face and refresh your appearance? Here’s what you need to know about skin tightening and lifting with NovaThreads.
What’s a Threadlift?
A thread lift involves the precise placement of NovaThreads to counteract collagen loss and mild to moderate skin laxity. The procedure is often performed to lift brows and jowls and tighten the mid-face and neck.
What are NovaThreads?
NovaThreads are absorbable PDO sutures that are made of polydioxanone and inserted in the lower plane of the face with a syringe.
When the NuMesh approach is used, smooth threads are inserted as two vertical and three horizontal sutures that resemble the shape of a hashtag and serve as a tightening mesh.
Comparatively, a NuLift technique incorporates sutures that have barbs or cogs that grip the skin and provide immediate lifting.
Moreover, unlike older threads that were permanent and problematic, NovaThreads are readily absorbed by the body in 4-6 months and do not cause scar tissue.
How Does a Threadlift Provide Instant Tightening and Lifting?
Initially, the NovaThreads placed during a thread lift are responsible for tightening and lifting the skin. However, these absorbable sutures also cause a wound healing response and cellular regeneration.
As a result, the skin begins to remodel itself and newly formed collagen can lift and tighten the skin once the threads are gone.
How Long Do Results Last?
Thread lift results typically last up to one year and follow-up threads can be placed to maintain treatment benefits.
To learn more about a thread lift in Northern Virginia for instant lifting and tightening without surgery, please contact our office today to schedule a consultation.