What Is Cellulite Reduction and Does It Work?

Viora Cellulite Reduction

The Viora Reaction™ is designed to tighten the skin, contour or reshape the body, and reduce cellulite.

This innovative cellulite technology is radio frequency treatments. This has more dynamic frequency options when compared to similar treatments, such as Thermage®.

We combine a multi-frequency approach with a cooling vacuum, the Viora Reaction can target the treatment area with extreme precision and expertise.

Regardless of skin type, this non-surgical procedure can help rejuvenate your face and body for a tighter, more contoured and youthful appearance.

How Does Viora Reaction Work?

Collagen production begins to decline as we age, which can cause the initial signs of age to occur.

Wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin can make us to look older than we truly feel.

With the Viora Reaction, at Dr. Nicole Hayre’s Cosmetic Dermatology Center, we can target the areas of the face and body that have begun to show these signs, stimulating new collagen production and reversing the effects of collagen loss can be achieved.

This is done by harnessing the power of the CORE (Channeled Optimal RF energy) technology, the Viora Reaction utilizes three distinct RF frequency channels and a 4th dimension multi-channel mode to create a highly dynamic and effective approach to radio frequency treatment.

Skin Tightening

To achieve the safest and most effective results, the Viora Reaction balances frequency, intensity, and a cooling system that can be customized depending upon the treatment area.

The Viora Reaction system can cause the body’s tissues to immediately react and contract, providing immediate results to targeted areas. Our patients typically undergo four to eight treatments to maximize the outcome. Some clients come weekly for their treatments, to ensure long-term results.

Ultimately we achieve smoother, tighter skin. In addition, Dr. Hayre typically recommends one final follow-up treatment every three to six months to help ensure long-lasting results.

Cellulite Reduction

To combat cellulite and resculpt the body, the Viora Reaction can heat subcutaneous fatty tissue layers by stimulating collagen production to strengthen the dermis. This promotes new healthy skin cells and tissues replace cellulite.

Viora Reaction’s 4th dimension, multi-channel mode can evenly and accurately distribute therapeutic heat and enhance blood circulation. Combined with the Viora Reaction’s vacuum therapy, you can receive the benefits of effective cellulite treatment, body sculpting, and skin tightening all at the same time.

Dr. Hayre recommends eight treatment sessions to maximize the outcome, as well as one follow-up session every four to six months afterwards to help ensure long-lasting results.

What Are the Benefits of the Cellulite Reduction?

The natural aging process can all cause the collagen in our skin to deplete.

When collagen slows to form in the skin’s layers, laxity, sagging and wrinkling often occurs.

Many skin-tightening treatments focus on stimulating the collagen in the visible outer layer of the skin—the epidermis.

However, the Viora Reaction targets the epidermis as well as the collagen-rich dermis and subcutaneous layer for a more dynamic and comprehensive approach to skin tightening and collagen stimulation.

In addition, this radio frequency treatment can tighten your existing collagen webs within the dermis, helping to achieve a more youthful, healthy skin appearance.

Who Is a Good Candidate for the Cellulite Reduction Procedure?

Cellulite Reduction can be an excellent option for many people interested in smoothing and tightening skin, body reshaping and contouring, and cellulite reduction.

At The Cosmetic Dermatology Center, our patients who opt for this advanced treatment are typically between the ages of 25 and 70.

Though the procedure can be used on its own to address mild to moderate skin laxity, many individuals also take advantage of the benefits of the Viora Reaction to maximize the results of certain plastic surgery procedures.

For example, post facelift or liposuction patients serve to benefit with this technology. Since the Viora Reaction is a non-surgical procedure; it requires little to no downtime, often allowing you to return to your normal activities soon after treatment.

What Are the Possible Treatment Areas?

Viora Reaction can be performed on all skin types to improve the appearance of the entire face, including the eyes, chin, neck, and upper lip. In addition, you can treat many areas of the body, such as:

What Is the Procedure Like?

Treatment with the Viora Reaction will vary depending upon which area(s) of the body are targeted. For the face, patients will typically experience a brief pulse of thermal heat delivered by a handheld device, followed by a cooling sensation.

During treatment, the radiofrequency (RF) energy can penetrate into the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layers of the skin to maximize collagen stimulation.

For body treatments, a vacuuming action is added to increase the range and depth of the RF energy. This added action can help move triglycerides and fatty acids out of the body’s fat cells and into the lymphatic system to enhance the body’s contours.

There is generally no downtime associated with the Viora Reaction.

Does Cellulite Reduction Procedure Hurt?

The heat applied to the skin with the Viora Reaction device is combined with a cooling tip. This helps protect the surface of your skin and minimize any discomfort.

Body procedures can use vacuum suctioning technique that can be adjusted to ensure you feel comfortable for the duration of your treatment session.

In addition, Dr. Hayre will apply a gel for numbing, if necessary.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Patients may experience mild swelling, bruising or redness after the Viora Reaction treatment.

Tenderness or even redness will resolve within a few hours, while any swelling or bruising should dissipate within a few days of the procedure. The Viora Reaction treatment is not recommended for patients with implanted electrical devices.

In addition, if you are pregnant or suffer from an autoimmune disease, you should inform Dr. Hayre during the consultation process.

How Long Before I See Results After Cellulite Reduction Procedure?

Many patients notice improvement in the skin’s appearance immediately following their procedure, the full benefits of the treatment will not be visible for about a month or two months.

During this time, your body will regenerate new collagen production, gradually producing smoother, healthier and tighter skin.

In order to maintain your results, Dr. Hayre recommends a maintenance treatment once every four-to-six months after the initial series of treatments is complete.