Your First Visit & Forms

Welcome to the Cosmetic Dermatology Center. Founded in 2003 by Dr. Nicole Hayre, our office is located in the heart of Tyson’s Corner.  For your convenience, we offer free curbside parking in front of the building. Please note, our office is not wheelchair accessible. Dr. Nicole Hayre, a Board Certified Dermatologist in McLean, VA, is proud to offer a full service dermatology and cosmetic practice. You’ll enjoy your visit in our elegant and relaxing environment with customized care provided by Dr. Hayre and her staff. During your visit, you and the doctor will develop a treatment plan for your individual needs and goals. We look forward to providing you with the highest quality care.

Patient Information

There are ample educational printed materials and patient information videos for you to review about cosmetic dermatology in Northern Virginia before or after your appointment.


Please be advised that our office does not actively participate with health insurance and you will be responsible for payment upon checkout. However, we will submit a claim on your behalf if requested.

Patient Forms

We recommend that you arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment in order to complete your patient forms. The forms are also available below should you like to fill them out prior to your appointment.

Patient Handouts

Late Arrivals

In order to provide you with the highest quality care, we ask that you arrive on time for your scheduled appointment. Please keep in mind that if you arrive late, we may have to reschedule you for another day and will still be billed a $150 cancellation fee.

Cancellation Policy

You will be billed a non-refundable $150 “No Show/Cancellation Fee” for each consultation appointment missed or cancelled within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment. In addition, if you are too late to allow for your scheduled appointment you will be billed a late fee.

You will be billed a non-refundable $150 “No Show/Cancellation Fee” for all general dermatology appointments and procedure appointments missed or cancelled within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment time. (Botox, Fillers, Lasers, Excisions, Biopsies, Mole checks etc.) If multiple procedures are scheduled, a $150 fee can be charged for each cancelled within 24 hours. This also applies to No Show appointments. In addition, if you are too late to allow for your scheduled appointment, you will be billed a late fee.

New Patient Fees

If you are a first time patient of Dr. Hayre’s, there is a general dermatology office visit fee. A office visit for possible hair prp treatments is $125. A cosmetic dermatology consultation is $135; however, $100 of the $135 (non-refundable) can be applied to a product or procedure purchase. Consultation credits expire one year from the initial consultation. If you would like to book a same day procedure, a $150 same day procedure deposit is required at the time of booking. $150 same day procedure deposit will be applied to said procedure in it’s entirety. Same day procedure deposits are refundable if appointment is cancelled or rescheduled with at least 24 hours prior notice to scheduled appointment. No show and late cancellation fees still apply to all new patients.

Holiday Season Policy

Due to a high demand for appointments during the holiday season, a deposit is required to reserve your appointment. Our holiday season runs from October 15 through January 1.  All consultations require a $125 deposit, while all general dermatology appointments and procedure appointments including office visits require a $150 deposit. *As of January 1, 2022 consultation fees will cost $125, $50 of which can be applied towards any office treatment or product purchase. Consultation credits expire one year from the initial consultation.  

All deposits will be applied toward your fees at the time of your visit.  Deposits will be forfeited if we receive less than 24 hours notice of cancellation or in the event of a “No Show”.

*All no show/cancellation and holiday appointment fees are non-refundable*