How Much is PRP With Microneedling in Tysons Corner?

microneedling with prp tysons corner

Are you looking for a unique facial that makes you look younger naturally?

If yes, a vampire facial or microneedling with PRP in Tysons Corner is the solution for you.

The procedure involves using a component of your blood to boost your skin’s health along with microneedling which causes microinjuries to help promote healthy healing. 

If you need an estimate of the cost, the average price is about $1300 (breakdown in the next section).

Let’s understand the procedure and factors affecting its cost.

Factors Affecting the Final Price of PRP With Microneedling in Tysons Corner

The total costs can be broken down into two major factors:

While those are rough estimates, other factors such as the skin’s health, location of the clinic, the expertise of the professional, and your cosmetic goals affect the final cost of the procedure. 

What is PRP With Microneedling?

The pre-step involves professional extracting blood from your arm. They separate plasma, fluid in your blood rich in platelets, promoting healing and collagen production. 

The procedure is done in two parts:


The procedure supports cell turnover to promote healthy skin cell activity. It makes your skin look soft and smooth.

PRP with microneedling in Tysons Corner is a non-invasive treatment with minimal downtime and side effects.

A few days after the procedure you’ll start to notice a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, an improvement in the tone and texture of your skin, and rejuvenated skin.

Contact Our Skincare Specialist to Learn More About PRP With Microneedling in Tysons Corner

For additional information about PRP with microneedling in Tysons Corner, VA, please call 703.827-8600 today to schedule a consultation with our renowned skincare specialist, Dr. Nicole Hayre.