Can a PRP Specialist Really Help Regrow Hair?

PRP specialist Great Falls

Let’s get right to it and answer the question. Yes, a PRP specialist in Great Falls can really help regrow hair on your head through the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP)! So, what exactly is PRP? Is it safe? How long will it take to see results? Let’s take a look at some facts.

New to PRP in Great Falls? Here’s How It Works!

Platelet-rich plasma contains proteins and growth factors that encourage the growth of thicker hair and new hair when injected into the scalp.

Where does this plasma come from? It comes from you, making it safe! Your own blood is drawn and then placed in a centrifuge to separate the components and extract only the PRP. 

Injections! Is PRP for Hair Growth Painful?

Painful, no. A bit uncomfortable? It can be. The good news is many patients do really well with Pro-Nox, a safe nitrous oxide and oxygen mixture that significantly relieves anxiety and minimizes pain. You shouldn’t worry about it either. Your PRP specialist in Great Falls will be sure you’re safe and comfortable the entire time. 

Will I Need More Than One Treatment?

While you will see the growth of baby hairs within a couple of months, it is recommended you complete a series of treatments for optimal results. It does take around six months to one year to see the most visible changes. You’ll only need a maintenance treatment once a year after that. Working with an experienced PRP specialist in Great Falls is the best way to determine how many treatments you’ll need. 

Looking for the Best PRP Specialist in Great Falls? Look No Further Than the Cosmetic Dermatology Center!

We understand hair loss can be discouraging, and it doesn’t help your confidence either. That’s why we encourage you to schedule your consultation with Dr. Nicole Hayre to learn more about the benefits of PRP for hair growth.

Work with Dr. Hayre to create a treatment plan personalized just for you! Contact us at 703-827-8600 to begin your journey to a fuller head of hair today!