I Want to Make My Botox Results Last Longer. How Many Units Do I Need?

botox results last longer mclean

Botox is the most popular cosmetic neurotoxin injectable for treating unwanted signs of aging, and for good reason. It’s quick, effective, and inexpensive. Many patients wonder how many units will it take to make Botox results last longer, but it should be more about safety when it comes to using a lot of this injectable.

How Many Units Will it Take to Make My Botox Results Last Longer?

There are simple steps you can take after treatment to make your Botox results last longer, but your focus should be that you receive the right number of units to safely achieve your aesthetic goals. 

The units you need will depend on your goals but there are general guidelines that are followed by a skilled and licensed provider.  The most common treatment areas are:

Crow’s Feet: 5 to 15 units

Corners of the mouth: 3 to 6 units

— Forehead lines: 10 to 30 units

— Frown lines: 10 to 25 units

Glabellar lines (area between the eyes): 10 to 25 units

How many units of Botox will it take to make your results last longer depends on multiple factors, including how strong your facial muscles are, where they are located, and how large they are. Typically men require more units than women. 

I’ll Put My Safety First. So, What Are Ways to Make Botox Results Last Longer? 

Following tips like wearing sunscreen, using gentle cleansers recommended by your provider, and avoiding rubbing your face for 48 hours after treatment certainly help improve the longevity of Botox.

Should I Schedule a Consultation Before Treatment?

Always! This is the only way to get a clear answer to your question, “How many units will it take to make my Botox results last longer?” Your provider must evaluate your specific needs before you’ll know how many units you need. 

It’s Time You Enjoy Smooth Skin and a More Youthful Appearance by Calling Cosmetic Dermatology Center! 

Trust Dr. Hayre to help you navigate the ins and outs of Botox. During your consultation, she’ll discuss with you how many units you’ll need and share more tips on how to make it last longer.

It’s our goal to make sure you enjoy your Botox experience! To book your consultation today, contact us at 703-827-8600!